Friday, March 18, 2011
Leaving CEMAL
I will be living with a woman named Maria Guadalupe in her 50s. She is an accountant and lives really really close to CEMAL, so I am not going very far away unlike some students who are over a half hour bus ride from CEMAL. It is just Maria and I living together. I have not met her yet but we will be meeting our families at 5 PM for a convivio and awkward get to know you games. Then we will have a light dinner of tamales :) Then I will walk down the street with her to her house and I will live with her for 6 weeks. I don't know what to expect at all other than that I will not have internet access which is going to be pretty weird - but not bad at all. I am glad that I will not be spending over 3 hours a day on looking up recipes - I need to break the obsession hahaha. So I won't be posting as often or be on facebook or my email as often as I would be if I had internet. I can always just come over to CEMAL and use the computers and U.S. phone line.
So last night I went to a place called Los Arcos. It is a restaurant/bar that is mostly outside, located on the main Zocalo. We went around 9 PM because we knew there was going to be live music and people get up and dance among the tables and the beers are 2 for 1. The restaurant was really busy when we got there, almost every table was full, and this is not a small place. We were sitting really close to the band. I ordered a "Cafe Moka." It was pretty much a little coffee, a lot of milk, and a chunk of Mexican chocolate thrown in. It was quite delicious. I want to bring my mom and Rick here at night because I know they want to go dancing and this was perfect because we were home by 11 PM but it was still really fun and lively and everyone was having a great time.
So something else happened to one of my roommates which I have to share even though I know this might freak some of you guys out. One of my roommates got home last night around 2:30 in the morning and came in to our room. I was awake because I had to go to the bathroom. She had been in a car with a guy she knew who drove her home from a club they were at. They were sitting in his car right outside of the gate to CEMAL. Two guys with guns came and told them to get out of the car. She said that she didn't really know what was going on but the guy she was with just told her to get out of the car quietly and walk away as quickly as possible. That is exactly what they did and his car was stolen by these two guys with guns! Wow, that scares me a bit, but it could happen in any city really. The poverty levels in Mexico are so high that crime is on the rise as a result of a lack of opportunities and jobs. I guess that's all I have to say about that but don't get scared, I just thought it was a crazy story.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Daily Life and Running in Cuernavaca
First of all the elevation is about a mile up, quite a bit higher than Seattle and Wisconsin hahahha. Also, streets are the only place to run as Cuernavaca is a big city. And there are a lot of hills, which are my greatest running mental challenge. Another really big challenge for me, that has has always been a challenge is the heat. It wears me out. When I had Spanish every morning from 8 to 11 I could not run in the mornings when it is cooler but now that I have Spanish only two days of the week from 8 to 11 I have realized that my best time to run is either around 7 AM after drinking a cup of coffee and using the bathroom. Or it is after waking up at 7 or so and eating a small breakfast and then running at 9 or 10. My legs feel so much fresher and I can run in the shade and the sidewalks have not soaked in all of the day's eat yet.
The first week I was here I didn't run at all. Then I just did 30 minutes on the first day and discovered how big the hills really are here. I gradually increased to running 4 or 5 times a week for about 35 to 45 minutes. I did a few longer-ish runs of 65 minutes. Then I decided that I was going to run the Rock n' Roll half marathon in Seattle on June 25th. I am going to keep running 5 to 6 days a week for 30 to 45 minutes until the beginning of April when I have more of a daily plan of what my mileage is going to be.
Besides the physical conditions of running in Cuernavaca, there are some other difficult things. It is not very common to see someone running in the streets for exercise. I have seen a few other people, all men do this on a few occasions, but never women and not white foreign women such as myself. So I stick out like a sore thumb even more so than if I was just walking down the street without running. I get a lot of comments from people as I am running and darting around cars and food stalls and stores and people. These comments range from Buenos Dias to Guera (white girl) to other things that I don't understand or make me a little afraid. Sometimes it is discouraging and I don't want to go out and run just because I want to be alone in my own running world without having to deal with people saying things. But that has been my privilege in the past to be able to do this and I am realizing what it is like for many people who do not have the privilege of leisurely runs in the woods.
I am also thinking about joining a gym for a month when I have to run for longer amounts of time so that I can run to the gym, run there on the treadmill, and run home. This is what I have found really helps me break up long runs especially when I have to do them by myself.
I usually run by myself too but there are luckily a few people here who do run and sometimes we plan runs together. One of my professors, Antonio Ortega is a runner and a few of us have run with him some Saturday mornings. I love doing this because I have company and I am really missing that about being at school and on the team. It is just hard to motivate myself and it is not as fun sometimes because I don't have someone to talk to and help the time pass.
A week from this Friday we are going to our urban homestays until the second week of May and I am really excited for a change of scenery and people and to live with a family. I will also have some new places to run when I move which I am also looking forward to.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Hello Again
So let's see, I took a weekend trip to Puebla, the 4th largest city in Mexico. It is a city that was not built on top of an indigenous city like many of the cities in Mexico. It was built by the Spanish at the request of Hernan Cortes, who I love so much (wink wink), and he wanted 365 churches built, one for each day. So there are a lot of churches! Puebla is a culinary destination where the specialty is mole. We went to a restaurant in Puebla where we had red mole chicken enchiladas and another specialty, chiles en nogada which is a poblano pepper stuffed with ground meat, nuts, and dried fruit covered in a white almond sauce with pomegranate seeds sprinkled on top. The colors of the dish: red, white, and green are representative of the Mexican flag. I didn't realize how big Puebla was going to be and I felt that I did not have enough time to really explore it in a single day trip so I will have to go back.
I am trying to remember what else went on in this time. Oh yeah!
My best day in Cuernavaca! So this was a week from yesterday, so last Friday. The day before we had finished our Spanish classes and the Spanish school was going to have a barbecue on Friday to celebrate the end. So that day I woke up and went on a run which, if you know me, is quite an accomplishment since I am not a morning runner. But I am trying to turn myself into one here because it is so much cooler in the mornings. Then I had a good breakfast and we had a speaker at 9 AM. The speaker is a history professor who spoke to us about U.S. invasions in Latin America. I want to let you all know reading this that we do not learn the extent of U.S. invasions and their negative effects on other countries in public school. We learn about the positive aspects of the big stick policy, manifest destiny, and the monroe doctrine but not that these policies created dire problems in foreign countries. So I was pretty blown away by this talk and angry at the education system and those in power (as usual). Then we had lab group which is a period of two hours from 11:30 to 1:30 that we have every Friday and one of us leads the group on a topic of our choice. Jordan, a guy in my class led this lab group in which we discussed identity and migration. It was a great discussion. Then it was the barbecue at Universal. I wasn't really sure what to expect from a Mexican barbecue, what food were we going to eat? I arrived and they started passing out margaritas to all of us. We waited at the tables above the pool until the food was ready, chatting and drinking our margaritas. Then we got in line for the food which was incredible! There was fruit salad, grilled pearl onions, cactus and onions, salad, guacamole, tortillas, and grilled meat. I had grilled chicken which was so so so good! I was practically drooling. Then while we were eating, a mariachi band came and played for us. They were pretty amazing too. Then came dessert! Cake! After all of this I went back to my room and got on the internet. I saw that Karl Poetzl had posted a link to watch the MWC track championships at Grinnell so I thought I would try and see if I could watch it from a foreign country and it worked!!!!! So I watched Beloit run, it was awesome but it made me actually really miss Beloit and everyone. So I really enjoyed myself. I can't remember what I did the rest of the day but it was great!
The next morning Sarah and I went running with Antonio, one of our professors. We ran about a mile to get to his house and then we took a taxi to some place called the ciclopista. It is a stretch of about 1000 meters overlooking Cuernavaca, lined with palm trees and flowers. Although the distance was short, I ran it 4 or 5 times and then we took a taxi back to Antonio's house and then ran back to CEMAL to eat breakfast.
Rural Homestay: Amatlan
So Sunday was the day we were embarking upon our rural homestays in a town called Amatlan, about an hour away. I think I have mentioned it in previous blog posts because we went there another time for a day trip. Amatlan is a small town of about 4000 people who claim indigenous roots. It is quite isolated from other places although it is about 20 minutes from Tepotztlan, a larger town.
In Amatlan I stayed with a pretty big family; a mother, her husband and their four sons who are all older than me. THere was also another student from the program with me in the house. They lived on the same plot of land as the husband's sister which is a very common occurrence here. They had chickens, dogs and three puppies!, and horses. They have their own plot of land where they grown their corn that Sarah, my host mom, takes to the molino to grind it and then make into tortillas. We had a lot of stuff going on during the day on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (we left wednesday night) but when I came back to the house I would sort of help her with the tortillas, but mostly just sit with her and talk or just "be" which is hard for me because I am so anxious that I have to be doing something all the time to feel productive.
I have a lot of mixed feelings about this entire trip. I had a wonderful time but it left me a little sad and heavy hearted. I believe that my western feminist ideals have made me feel this way to some extent and I am imposing my views on these people's lives. But Sarah's life made me sad. I am not sure if I would have felt this way if she would not have said some of the things she did. Every morning I would ask her at breakfast (after she had prepared it for me and waited on me) what she was going to do today. She would always answer with, "the same thing I did yesterday," with a shrug of her shoulders. This meant cooking and cleaning and not much else. Then another time she asked me if I was going to come back and visit her in the future and I said yes. She told me, and once again, this was only one of multiple times that she said this, that we, as in all the students who stay with her, say this and none of them ever come back. She seemed very saddened by this and that made me feel really bad and guilty. A lot of time she would talk about the United States and how she would like to visit but she knew it was really expensive not to mention frickin difficult to get there. I just felt so frustrated by my breadth of opportunity when this woman had to cook and clean everyday. But that is not to say that she wasn't happy and conte with life which I guess is all that really matters but it seemed like she wished she would have had some of these opportunities but knew she never would.
The most rattling part of the whole trip was the immigration testimony panel that we attended. Two men from the village spoke to us, a group of 22 women and 3 men, plus the professors, about their experiences migrating multiple times to the United States. It is one thing to hear statistics about people immigrating to the US without documents, but it is an entirely different thing to hear their stories first hand and to hear the atrocities. THe process of migrating from Mexico to the United States and trying to find a job is a process of dehumanization but they had to migrate or else they were going to starve. THere are literally no jobs in Amatlan or other rural cities and all the jobs in the cities are saturated. I actually cried during this whole experience as did a lot of other people. It was really emotional but completely important to hear.
Then when we left on Wednesday we had to say goodbye to our host families. I knit Sarah a bag that I gave her. Then, something I completely wans't expecting and don't know how to express my gratitude enough -- she gave Lisa and I gifts. One of her sons had bought us necklaces and she had bought each of us a teacup with a flower on it. I just did not know how to react. They had already opened up their home to us and fed us and done everything for us and they were giving us gifts?!!!!!!!!! I just said thank you a million times and hugged them all, I just wanted them to know so badly how thankful I was but I knew I couldn't express it in words. And I seriously do want to go back and visit :)
Now I am going to discuss the food which was so f-ing awesome - excuse my language.
So on Sunday, when we got there it was time for comida. Sarah served us fideo - skinny angel hair like pasta in a tomato broth soup. Then we had black beans and quesadillas with fresh cow's milk cheese. They also gave us little bananas, fresh cucumbers and homemade chili paste to go on the cucumbers.
Then for cena that night we had a cup of milk with instant coffee and blue corn tortillas with crema - sort of like a mix of sour cream and heavy cream - so really good!
The next morning for breakfast we had these fried potato and egg pancakes bathed in a red salsa with fresh blue corn tortillas as well as a cup of fresh cow's milk with instant coffee.
When I came home for lunch on Monday we had my favorite soup I have ever had, it was zuchini or calabasa and nopal or cactus in a cuminy tomatoy broth with beans and corn tortillas.
For cena we had a lime based soup with a chicken leg in it with tortillas.
Tuesday morning we had a light breakfast of freshly squeezed orange juice and a mango because we were going to do something called a Temezcal, or a steam room kind of thing. We ate an almuerzo at 11:30 of something similar to what we had for breakfast on monday but it had green beans cooked in with the potatoes. This was served with beans and tortillas of course.
Lunch/dinner took place pretty late around 5:30 and we had a dinner of a vegetable stew with chicken served with beans and tortillas. That night we attended a religious ceremony held every first of the month and at the end we were served arroz con leche and pan dulce.
Wednesday morning Sarah made an atole of avena con leche or a warm drink of oatmeal, sugar, milk, and cinnamon. I also had a fried egg, black beans, and tortillas. This was such a great breakfast! Then for comida we had a pasta dish with crema and salsa and an ensalada of cauliflower, carrot and nopal. It was so so good!!!!!! Also we had agua de jamaica, or hibiscus water.
We returned on wednesday evening and I was not hungry at all hahaha!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Maquiladora Visit
When we first walked into the maquila we were greeted by a male supervisor. I looked over his shoulder and saw through a glass window. It appeared almost identical to the images I had seen in movies and photos in classes at school; rows and rows of women with dark skin color working at sewing machines. The male supervisor gave us a tour of the factory and even let one of us take pictures. The pictures are located at the program blog:
We walked around the exterior parts of the factory seeing how the fabrics are first cut, where the shipments leave and come in, and where the swimsuits are stored. We examined many swimsuits including a Polo top that would be exported to the United States for the summer season and cost $65 USD.
An interesting and very important fact about this factory and which is worse in other maquilas is that these women are paid between 50 and 70 pesos per day or about $5 to $7 USD and for working 48 hours per week, monday to friday. They get a total of 45 minutes of break throughout the day. Their worday is from 6 AM to 4:36 PM exactly.
Obviously this was one of the better maquilas made evident by the fact that they even let us come in, give us a tour, and take pictures. This is one of the few that also actually gives the workers the benefits that they deserve under the Mexico constitution. The majority of factories do not give these benefits such as childcare, paid vacations, social security, pregnancy leave, etc.
The whole experience of being in the maquila was somewhat surreal. The skin colors and gender signifying the power dynamics within the factory were so evident that it was overwhelming. The women were working at the sewing machines and had darker skin colors. The men were located on the jobs around the periphery of the factor, on big machines. The supervisor had a lighter skin color than all the rest. Also, on the second floor where the offices are located, there was a giant glass window for observing the workers, like in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when the rich girl's dad has all the women workers in his factory try to find the golden ticket.
It was just weird.
We got back from this little journey and had a discussion about what to do about these factories. Of course I argued not to buy new clothes but to buy used and not support the clothing consumer industry. But I'm not going to get into it all right now because it is so complex.
Come back soon, I will be posting some more stuff about my weekend trip to Puebla and Tlamacazapa!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Mariposas Monarcas and Nevado Toluca
Palacio Cortes, Diego Rivera Mural
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Week 3, Part 1: Las Grutas and Amatlan
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Week 2
We ate dinner in an outside room with a view of the valley and fields beyond. Dinner in Mexico is not at all like dinner in the United States. It is really just a snack. We were served agua pina or pineapple water which is made by blending water, pineapple, and sugar. It is very refreshing. Then they served us things that look like quesadillas but are called synchronizadas. There were ones with ham and oaxaca cheese and I ate the vegetarian ones with I believe manchego cheese and some lemony tasting herb. I ate this with salsa verde. Then they brought out pan dulce and coffee and I ate a lot of pan dulce. We had a bonfire after that and had s'mores! The graham crackers here are very different and so is Hershey's chocolate. But I loved how it was different. The graham crackers weren't as sweet but had more of a nutty flavor.
I went to be early after that because I was tired but me and a few other people decided to get up to walk up a hill to a church to see the sun rise. I woke up around 6 AM and we started to walk up a steep hill across the street from the Hacienda. That was kind of disappointing because the sun didn't rise in front of us above the toy house looking hacienda but behind us halfway hidden by a hill. But it was still beautiful in its own way. Then we met Antonio for a run. He took us to a dirt path that led to a plant nursery. I think we ran about five miles in a valley surrounded by moutains. A man was herding some goats while we were running and we ran with the goats!
The breakfasts that I have been served in Mexico are very different compared with the United States. There are a lot more savory items and vew few sweet items. A very popular dish is chilaquiles which is pretty much a way to use up stale corn tortillas. The corn tortillas are refried and layered in a pot with salsa and cream and cooked till soft. We also had some sort of scrambled eggs with tomatoes as well as beans! I love beans, I eat them at least twice a day here. There was also papaya and cantaloupe as well as yogurt and granola. And I can't forget the fresh squeezed orange juice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhh I get a little too excited about food sometimes.
We had a day of discussions of readings and "bonding" in small groups. We discussed some articles such as Peggy McIntosh's Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack: White Privilege and some other ones about identity and power as well as the uses of Tu and Usted in Mexican Spanish.
We had a snack of cucumber and jicama in lemon juice with chili powder on top, so good!
For lunch/comida at 1:30 we were served a lentil soup with plantains in it. Then we had a plate of beans, rice, and grilled cactus with tomatoes and onions. I really like cactus. The Spanish word for cactus is nopal. They served us dessert too that was a gelatin made of a fruit. I am having a hard time here with the desserts because they pretty much consist of gelatins and puddings that are very light. I am seriously craving something heavy and decadent like chococolate cake with ganache and vanilla ice cream! I can't really find that here. I did buy something really good from the bakery though called La Piedra, or rock. It was not airy and light like most pan dulce but dense, which was exactly what I wanted. And it was covered in sugar. I ate it with tea, it was so good!!!!!!!!!!
We had time to just relax at the hacienda and some people went in the pool. They set up hammocks for us and I sat by the pool and read and took a nap. We left at 6 PM and arrived in Cuernavaca around 7:30 where Don Victor had dinner waiting for us! He is a great cook.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday and Saturday
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The Rest of Week 1
Tuesday night was the Latin dance class.
The dance instructor came to the house, her name is Karla Vargas.
We started off with some stuff that was pretty much like Zumba! It was a lot of fun and a good workout.
On Wednesday my group of 9 students went to the house of a couple named Serafin and Lydia.
They were host parents to a girl who is now one of the interns for the Social Work program that is going on at the same time as my program.
We drove to their house and it took about 40 minutes because there was so much traffic.
They lived down the side of a ravine. We had to walk about 400 meters down the side of the ravine to get to their house. The weather was beautiful, about 86 degrees fahrenheit and we sat outside in their backyard.
In Mexico, when you go to visit someone or are listening to a speaker manners and thank yous are much more important than in the United States. One of us had to do an introduction which thanked them for having us and letting us into their home. But this cannot be just a one or two sentence introduction, it must be quite thorough. I volunteered to do the introduction and although I could have done it in English and had it translated, I did it in Spanish. It went a lot better than I thought and I was pretty proud of myself hahaha.
We then asked them questions and told them about our interests. They told us about what it was like moving to Cuernavaca from Guerrero because there were no jobs in Guerrero. They could not find jobs in Cuernavaca either. They have been married for 42 years and have three children. Their son migrated to the United States to find a job in Los Angeles but returned after 6 months because he could not find a job. They told us of the difficulties of poverty and having to work for wealthy families and live in the wealthy family's homes. In one home, Serafin was not allowed to have Lydia there so she would hide in the bathroom all day so that she would not be found out. They are now part of an artesan cooperative here in Cuernavaca that we are visiting tomorrow night for dinner and an intercambio with Mexican university students. Serafin learned how to make things out of silver because he was an apprentice from age 10 in Taxco, a great silver town in Guerrero.
Today, Thursday, we had a talk by a member of the Human Right Commission here in Cuernavaca named Jose. He is a member of the coop that Lydia and Serafin are part of. He spoke a lot about what has happened and what is going on in the country including governmental fraud in the elections and governmental violence against resistors. It was quite informative.
On Saturday we have a free day and some of us are going to the Robert Brady Museum which used to be this man, Robert Brady's house. He was an art collector so there is a lot of famous art in his house include Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. And then on Sunday we are going to Teotihuacan, which are ancient ruins.
So long for now!