I'm Gabrielle Grace Gonzales, my intials are GGG which I think is pretty cool.
Right now I am studying abroad in Cuernavaca, Mexico located 50 miles south of Mexico City in the state of Morelos. I am using this blog to document my travels as well as my obsessions with food and sociology.
My home is in Seattle, Washington where my mom, stepdad, and sisters live. (and I can't forget about Karma and Andre) : )
I see a lot of things wrong with the world we are living in today including sexism, racism, and classism among others. In my idealist state I am determined to change a ton of laws in the United States to solve some of these issues. Other times I am more pessimistic and see a majority of the bad things about this world but nothing is going to deter me from attempting to fix them with the privileges I have.
I want to say thank you to my mom for everything she does for me, she's the best.
I love you mom!!!!!!