I am Gabbie Gonzales, a sociologist baker and chef, committed to eradicating inequality in today's male dominated society.

In the future I would like to open a breakfast cafe and bakery where I can pursue my love of food and community organizing.

La Comida

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cuernavaca Mexico, Day 1


I have arrived in Cuernavaca.
My flight got into Mexico City at 4 PM central time.
I had to wait in the airport for 5 and half hours before I was going to be picked up but I made the best of it. I read the book The Hunger Games which is an excellent book by the way. I ate dinner at a restaurant called Wings which used to be called Baron Rojo.

I had an interesting encounter with a man who took my bag for me and led me off in the direction he thought I needed to go but I didn't and then I tipped him a lot of money because I felt bad when I gave him 20 pesos because he said that wasn't enough.

I met the two interns at the airport and we went and got two other girls who were arriving on Friday as well. We drove to Cuernavaca starting at around 10:30 PM and got to the house in Cuernavaca at midnight. The traffic was kind of bad because a lot of people go from Mexico City to Cuernavaca on the weekends to vacation. When we were on out way you could see the whole of Mexico City from above in the mountains where the highway was. It was the biggest city I have ever seen and made all the more beautiful with its glowing lights highlighting the terrain in the dark.
The next morning, me and one of my roommates, Deidre slept in and then we went with another girl, Ashley to walk into the thick of Cuernavaca.
We found the supermarket and walked towards the plaza where we entered the courtyard of La Catedral. There was a wedding about to begin at the cathedral and we watched as many people dressed quite fancifully, almost like they were going to Prom, arrived and walked into the church or chatted at the door.

The first thing I noticed about Mexico City was that there was extreme wealth right alongside dire poverty. As we drove I noticed expensive department store right next to a shack of a house.
This was similar to what I observed in the courtyard of the cathedral. All of the people dressed up for this grand wedding had light skin colors, some with skin as light as my own. The people hanging out in the courtyard who were not part of the wedding party had much darker skin. As the people who were part of the wedding arrived, they walked through the entrance of the courtyard and down a long path leading directly to the entrance of the cathedral. As they walked in their fancy dresses and high heels and suits, the darker skinned people watched. It seemed that the lighter skinned people were putting on a show, like they wanted people to look at them, to see them dressed in wealth. It made me feel pretty sick actually because I don't want to be like that. I don't want people to notice my lighter skin tone and different manner of dress. I wish I could just fit right in. That is the biggest challenge I think I am going to face is dealing with this.

After going into Cuernavaca we went back to the house and ate lunch and I took a nap.
Then we waited for everyone else to arrive and ate dinner.
I had pico de gallo, pinto beans, bread, and vegetable soup. It was very good.

Also, they have dry toilets here which are interesting to use.

Here are a few photos I took of where I am staying and the view from the house.

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